

Yes, I’m starting to participate in this post-a-week gizmo here in WordPress. I figure I only post normal 2 posts a month, 3 when I get crazy. I don’t know how I’m going to catch up but I’ll try my darnest. My blog really shows intentional lack of prolificacy. At least now with Weekly Photo Challenge, I can somehow forcefully counter that.


With microphone …

Are you ready to rumble?!!!

Two opposing fighters with opposing characteristics on the arena …

The boy “Buboy”, whose real name is Jibril, battles the armless, non-hostile tree with glacial beatings of … irregular snowballs.

Who wins?

Buboy eagerly fights the innocent tree as he finds pleasure of inflicting no damage nor pain. The tree stood tall waiting for the big hit. The boy unknowingly laughs at every attack. His mother calls out for him, but he won’t budge. He’s fervent, vaulting, and determine to fight for nothing but low-level kid’s satisfaction. Jibril bends down and rolls his glove-shaped snowball, preparing for the knock-out … 

The tree invitingly received the anticipated KO punch but by doing so, the boy Buboy rattles its branches. There, the tree drops a snow bomb on his face hitting his left eye while the tree remained callous, unaffected and frigid. The boy continues to fight but his dad came and grabbed him. The boy was panting for breath after the fight.

With an anonymous decision …


Tree: -10 for low hits, +50 for the left-eye hit = 40 points

Jibril: +10 for low hits, -50 for the left-eye hit, -5 for exhaustion, +100 for his joy = 55 points 

Left corner wins!!!


Am I violating the rule by showing more than one picture? Eeeh, I can’t resist …

16 replies »

  1. lol! love the post, pictures. you already know I enjoyed reading more post from you. Did you take the pictures yourself? If so you really god in that department I must say. God Bless 🙂

  2. Thank You so much PJ!
    Glad you enjoyed it.
    It said layman’s pictures can submit entry too, so …
    Thought I’d give this Weekly Photo thing a try, and have fun with it. 😀

    Love your poems too!

    • I was hesitant, really. I don’t know if I can keep up. It doesn’t blend with the blog. And I don’t really have artful pictures to show. Oh well, I guess that’s why they have the word “Challenge” in the title.

    • Hehe, this is a good way to start the year. I like the first photo especially.

      I’m getting quite ambivalent about continuing the weekly photo challenge this year (winter? fall? Medyo mahirap ata where I am, haha) but of course, I’ll be checking out your posts. You’ll find new blogging friends through the challenges so it’ll be fun! 🙂
      Good luck!

  3. I have always admired the comfort one may get from watching the snow falling on the house’s window. Up to now, I still dream of experiencing it. I love your interpretation moreso because of the kind of humor injected into it.

  4. ^ It’s only because we don’t have it. Honestly, snow is nothing so fancy as how we, from the tropical island, keep dreaming of it. It’s just ice, really. I guess, though, that’s something you get from traveling. Most of it is “just the idea” of being someplace else, or “just the idea” of having exprienced something else.

  5. Now, that was fun. I enjoyed the how you incorporate play and excitement to the already amazing photos. The adventures of the boy and the snow continues…
    Wonderful photos that stirs the imagination….

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